Stone, Paper, Scissors
4 May
Paper making workshop
Aitor Climent Barca
The paper-making workshop is a dynamic made up of small concatenated actions with the aim of transforming the cellulose of plant fibers into paper, by means of water. The actions will take place between Saturday May 4th and Sunday May 5th. On the first day, the fibers will be softened through the bleaching process to later undo them. The next day the pulp will be mixed with water to form the papers, pressed and left to dry. This proposal has the format of an open workshop and will be run in parallel with the rest of the activities, offering a sustained collective learning space during the two days.
Place X
Catarina Vieira
Place X departs from the poem by Alexis Pauline Gumbs to reflect on the mechanisms of extracting value from bodies, ecosystems, life, relationships. Extractivism marks the place of the treasure with an X. At this moment, no place, body, or form of life remains unmarked. This project intends to create fictional maps of the places where we don't want or we can't return, because there isn’t any treasure to extract, nor any pleasure to discover. And, at the same time, to investigate camouflage actions to create narratives about what we still want and can preserve.
Exhibition with rosanayaris and nyamnyam.
The exhibition acts as an occasion to re-discover the figure of Raymond Duncan through a social and ecological approach, which in parallel develops a dialogue with the stories and the traces discovered throughout the course of the research carried out during the last two years.
Anna Dot with Center Universitari d'Arts i Disseny de Barcelona
Based on the manifesto 'Actionalism' written by Raymond Duncan in 1947, a workshop is proposed to explore the limits of a common language, of translation, but also of our ability to access historical documents in a poetic way, with a certain performative approach. A way of critically examining disparate notions, meanings and tools to get closer to our common and collective understanding of what we mean by 'actionalism'.
This translation workshop has been carried out by the artist Anna Dot with students from the Fine Arts degree at the Center Universitari d'Arts i Disseny de Barcelona (BAU). During this day, the results of the workshop will be opened up.
Video screening by rosanayaris and nyamnyam in collaboration with Estel Boada and Daniel Moreno Roldán
On April 2022, Rosana Sánchez and Aris Spentsas, and Ariadna Rodriguez and Iñaki Álvarez, accompanied by their kids Gal·la and Juls, decided to embark on a 2-week trip following the original route taken by the Duncan family in 1903 to Athens. The film unfolds a parallel journey structured in 25 rhapsodies that guide the viewer through various temporal layers in an attempt to unveil the trip's omen. Isadora Duncan and the oracle, will tell us the story of Raymond Duncan, through the live interpretation of Estel Boada (voice) and Daniel Moreno Roldán (music).